Union Leasing, a Fleet Management Company
What makes us different?
Just about everything.
Yes, we provide customized vehicle fleet management solutions for mid-sized fleets. But we do a lot more than that. What really sets us apart is our high-touch, personal service. Our dedicated account team is here for you, day in and day out, to ensure your business goals are met. At Union Leasing, you’ll always know the person on the other end of the phone – and they’ll know you, and your business.

Not only has our relationship with Union Leasing been profitable, it has created an opportunity to bounce ideas off of each other in a way that has helped us find new ways of doing business. It’s a strong, personable partnership that we value.
We truly value the client relationship we have with the Union Leasing team. Whatever problem we have they are there to help us solve it. We now spend less time managing our fleet compared to our previous provider and the the cost is competitive. I would recommend Union Leasing to any company that wants individual attention. They care about their clients and are proactive in meeting all our needs.
Our partnership with Union Leasing has taken the burden of ordering vehicles, tracking gas cards, maintenance, and repairs off my plate. Everything is handled with one phone call or email. Union Leasing saves us time and money, and the service is great!